The next Lunch at the Circle event will be on Monday October 3 on Talent Management:
Talent management in technology, challenges and solutions, with Marc Timmerman
Marc Timmerman is partner at Axiom Consulting.
Marc will talk about talent management in fast changing environments with a particular focus on the technology sector; on the challenges of identifying and developing top talent, the trends for the future and the increasing complexity for leaders, and which solutions are key in making an organization be more attractive as an employer of talent.
Before joining Axiom consulting Marc was Executive Director of the European Talent Management practice of Hudson Highland group. Previous to that he led the HR consulting practice of De Witte & Morel, and was a Partner at Ernst & Young in Belgium. More information on Marc and on Axiom here:
When & How
- Time: Monday October 3, 12.15 (we will sit down for lunch at 12.30). Lunch ends at 14.00.
- Location: only on invitation
- Cost: only on invitation/
(Salade de canard confit, vinaigrette ‘poireax’ | Daurade sauvage poêlée, petit ragout Paimpol | Quetsches rôties & rafraichis, fine semoule au lait vanillé | bon vin | eaux pour ceux qui résistent | Café Balthazar – If you have “special dietary requirements” please inform me before/ the event.)
Participation limited to 30 persons