L@C TV: Louis Nauges on Enterprises and Web 2.0

“How can enterprises catch up with consumers on Web 2.0” with Louis Naugès

Consumers have taken to “Web 2.0” rapidly. Over the last year or so there’s been a massive uptake and general acceptance of much that can be labelled Web 2.0: blogs & wikis, of course, but also for example “software-less” applications like “Office 2.0” and Google Apps (why buy a license if you can get the service for free online?), MySpace and other “communities”, video sharing sites like YouTube and DailyMotion, internet telephony with Skype, Wikipedia, wireless everywhere, peer-to-peer file sharing and distribution…

So where are the enterprises in all this? Most are nowhere. Louis Naugès will chart a path for how enterprises can catch up with consumers and up-to-date employees who are of the digital age…

Louis Naugès is president and founder of Microcost, a company that, according to its web site “guides enterprises through the revolutionary transition from existing legacy systems into the future era of web based autonomic computing and assists them as a trusted partner with ongoing evolution. http://microcost.com and http://nauges.typepad.com/.

L@C TV: Serge Soudoplatoff on Innovation

Watch the vidcast

Here’s a video interview with Serge Soudoplatoff on his views on innovation and other things. Click on the image (L@C logo) below to view.

We will be back soon with the podcast recording with Serge’s whole presentation.

Serge Soudoplatoff is founder and president of Almatropie, a foundation that promotes intelligent use of the internet and innovation. His previous career includes: co-founder of Highdeal, a company providing software solutions to telcos and internet operators; director of Cap Gemini’s R&D activity , director at France Telecom Innovation centre, as well as positions in higher education and research. He has written a book, “Avec Internet, où allons-nous” (“With the internet, where will we end up?”). You can download the book on Serge’s web site.

Serge will talk about how you can facilitate and promote innovation and how the internet can make your organisation more innovative.

More info on Serge and on Almatropie here:

L@C TV: “French Virtigo: Is French business and French society in terminal decline?” with Peter Gumbel, Time Magazine

Peter Gumbel

Peter Gumbel

Peter is Time Magazine’s senior writer in France. You have no doubt read some of his articles. He has a long career in journalism (Reuters, Wall Street Journal, Time) with a stint in the dotcom venture Business.com in the early 2000s as an extra spice.

On March 9 he talked about his book, French Vertigo (buy the book on Amazon here), and about the upcoming French presidential election of course.

Watch the vidcast

Here’s an 11 minute video interview with Peter on his views on French society and French business. Click on the image (L@C logo) below to view.


Listen to the podcast

If you want to know more you can listen to the podcast that we recorded at the Lunch at the Circle event when Peter spoke.

Download the podcast here (1h12m, 33MB).

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L@C TV: “Software as a Service” (SaaS), Robert Steggles

medium_steggles_200x150px.jpg 31st January 2007 Lunch at the Circle, Is “Software as a Service” (SaaS) disrupting the online business world?
You don’t need a big pc any longer? Death of the desktop? Final liberation from Microsoft’s license payments? Return of the dinosaurs (centralised computing)? Only pay for what you really need and use instead of paying hefty annual fees?…. There are many ways to look at Software as a Service, a reincarnation of the rumoured-defunct ASP model. Presented by Rob Steggles, Marketing Director for NTT Europe Online (previously Verio), http://www.ntteuropeonline.com/.
Rob works with many software companies to deliver software online ‘as a service’, including aggregators, innovators and software companies that are just plain scared of SaaS. (Rob was also recently instrumental in making NTT Europe the only really European partner to Microsoft for SaaS.) Rob explains how SaaS affects software companies and how it will change the industry. What IS this SaaS thing? Why does it matter? Should I do it? How is it different from ASP (well, there you have it!!)? What are the pitfalls and the advantages?


Watch the vidcast interview before the lunch (7 mins):

Download the podcast of the lunch (57 mins, 27MB)