ROI (return on investment) is a hot subject. L@C co-founder is an expert in this. Here’s a presentation she’s done. (in French)
L’importance du ROI en Marketing from Contact on Vimeo.
You can find more info on her site:
ROI (return on investment) is a hot subject. L@C co-founder is an expert in this. Here’s a presentation she’s done. (in French)
L’importance du ROI en Marketing from Contact on Vimeo.
You can find more info on her site:
The videos are now back online.
To make it easier for you to find them they are now “tagged” with the tag “video”. In the right had column you have “Popular Tags” where you can find ‘video’. Click on it and you get all posts with video.
(We have moved to hosting the videos on YouTube so you can now also find them on
(There are still two videos missing, with Louis Nagues and Carlos Escapa, but we hope to get them up soon too.)
L@C May 30: Selling your ideas to technology-agnostic decision makers
— The 4 vital questions you must ask to create rapport, build trust and get the outcome you want in every situation — with David Ednie, founder and President of SalesChannel Europe
David talked to us about “Selling Your Ideas. The Art of Persuasion” with a particular focus on how to sell technology to “technology agnostic” C-level managers. This is how David describes the theme: “Selling Your Ideas transcends selling products or services, your company, or even yourself. Selling Your Ideas is the most critical skill you need today to succeed in business and in life. In this interactive discussion you will learn how to:
• Leverage the Psychology of Change
• Ask questions in colour
• CREATE insights in others
Learn how to master the 3 steps to Selling Your Ideas. The Art of Persuasion and make them work for you.”
David is an expert in sales performance and motivation and President of SalesChannel Europe (, He has previously worked in various senior management roles in the technology sector, e.g. as Vice-President of International Sales at Genuity Inc. and at BT. He is also one of the founding members of the French Professional Speakers’ association. And a familiar face to many of you who come to Lunch at the Circle!
blueKiwi, headed by our previous speaker Carlos Diaz, has published a white paper on Enterprise 2.0 and what impact social networks may have on larger companies.
“L’Entreprise 2.0 : comment tirer profit des réseaux sociaux professiionnel ?”
You can get it here:
One of our previous speakers, Loic le Meur, is the organiser of the leading European conference on new internet technologies, “Le Web” (well, it is based in France…).
The announced a while back the program for the next edition of Le Web.
Here’s what Loic says:
“This year’s program brings many fresh faces to the LeWeb stage. Geraldine and I announced the LeWeb 08 program at a press conference last week. This year’s conference, which takes place in Paris on December 9th and 10th portends to be as big as before, with at least 1500 entrepreneurs, journalists, bloggers and Internet industry players from 40 Countries. ”
Here’s more info:
“What social networks mean for enterprises” was the subject for an event a while back where Carlos Diaz, president of blueKiwi was our invited speaker.
Carlos is the keynote speaker at the conference “Enterprise 2.0: Cap vers 2009” that will soon take place: On Thursday November 13 Carlos will speak at the Salons du Louvre, together with Stowe Boyd and Jon Husband.
You can find more information here:
Here’s a bit more background info from Carlos:
“A l’occasion de l’annonce de blueKiwi 2009, nous organisons un GRAND événement sur le thème de l’Entreprise 2.0 le 13 novembre prochain à Paris aux Salons Du Louvre (nouveau lieu très sympa). Les invitations sont limitées et j’aimerai beaucoup que tu sois des nôtres.
Cet événement réunira plus de 150 décideurs français (plus de 4000 invitations envoyées) de 18h à 20h30 autour du thème de l’Entreprise 2.0. On attend bien entendu nos clients, nos prospects, nos partenaires, des journalistes et des bloggers.
Deux têtes d’affiche, Stowe Boyd (US) gourou du 2.0 et Jon Husband (US) auteur du best-seller “Making Knowledge Work – The Arrival of Web 2.0” donneront une conférence. Enfin, la nouvelle version bK 2009 sera annoncée à cette occasion. Big Surprise !
On finira la soirée autour d’un cocktail.
Penses à t’inscrire dès à présent ici : “
For those of you who asked for more information about the 3 key concepts that were discussed in ‘Selling your ideas to “Technology-Agnostic” Decision Makers. The Art of Persuasion.’
The 3 key ideas were:
• Leverage the Psychology of Change
• Asking questions in colour
• CREATE insights in others
Learn how to master the 3 key ideas to “Selling Your Ideas. The Art of Persuasion” and make them work for you. Selling Your Ideas. The Art of Persuasion
L@C member Hans-Josef Jeanrond, strategic analyst and consultant, exposes the dysfunctions of financial markets being unduly focussed on short term financial results. This short-sightedness forces software companies with sometimes incompressible development cycles to make decisions that run against their best interests – and hence against the best interests of long term investors. Reconciling the different time and expectation horizons of customers, engineers and investors is a challenging task for the new company management.
Here’s the intro in French:
SAP a pu développer R/3 pendant plusieurs années et investir un montant substantiel, sans être perturbée par des analystes financiers et des investisseurs à la bourse insistant sur des gains à court terme. C’est une des raisons pour lesquelles SAP avait un produit pour les nouvelles plateformes client serveur quand aucun autre éditeur n’était à un stade comparable de maturation. Aujourd’hui, étant cotée à la bourse de New York (NYSE) et les fondateurs étant devenus minoritaires, SAP n’est plus dans une telle situation privilégiée. Deux informations apparemment anodines dans la publication de ses résultats pour le premier trimestre 2008 font apparaître la pression et les effets potentiellement néfastes des exigences de la “communauté financière” auprès de l’industrie du logiciel. R/3 : le succès d’un projet R&D de long terme, affranchi de pressions financières à court terme
Co-funder of the Lunch at the Circle, Sophie Callies, has recently launched a new company, SO’xperts, specialised in marketing performance managment for technology enterprises. It’s web site is
A consulting company specialized in marketing performance management for the high-tech industry, SO’xperts mission is to help marketers and top management address four principal business challenges: how to acquire and keep customers, how to enter new markets, how to drive excellence in execution and how to measure marketing contribution to the business. What makes it unique is a comprehensive approach – from marketing strategy and benchmarking to performance improvement – that helps companies identify and pursue market opportunities while optimizing programs and resource allocation.
Co-founder of the Lunch@the Circle, Sophie Callies has a track record in driving marketing performance at worldwide levels in companies such as Apple, Netscape, AOL Time Warner, Alcatel and Cartesis.
You can reach Sophie here.
Here’s the video from the latest Lunch at the Circle event, with Gifford Morley-Fletcher, strategy director at Skive.
— Gifford mentions the BP Rally Game in his introduction and you find it here.
— Some other examples can be found here.
Here’s a sample:
(Thank you Emmanuel Vivier,
Some more background:
Strategies for success in promoting your business on the internet in the next 18 months
with Gifford Morley-Fletcher, Strategy Director, Skive
Gifford will approach this subject from two angles: the fabled “SEO” and the power of broadband. SEO is one of the buzz words that basically just means “how do you get your site noticed by search engines and thus by customers”. It is critical for any web site to take into account how search engines rank web sites. It can, literally, be a matter of life and death for a business web site if you are on the first page or the tenth for search engine results. And it is not just a question of “build it and they will come”. You have to know how to attract search engines, and customers. The second aspect is that the increasing uptake of broadband has changed the way to build web sites and make people notice them – today you can offer “rich media”, video, animations, sound etc, in a way that was not possible just a few years ago.
And if you don’t believe that it’s important how you manage your web presence and think about how to appear from a search engine perspective, consider this: What do you think you will find if you do a Google search on “miserable failure”? You’ll be surprised. (
Gifford Morley-Fletcher has worked in New Media since 1994, making him a bit of a ‘web dinosaur’. He is currently based in London as Strategy Director at Skive, an award-winning digital strategy and design agency based in London, responsible for developing interactive web sites, games and promotions for brands such as Reebok, Playstation, McDonalds and Gillette. During his career, he has worked in all areas of web development and online marketing, most recently spending 4 years in Paris where he was a founder of LSF Interactive, specialists in SEO, Paid Search and online lead generation.